Spin 3.0 also includes an experimental flag, spin up --component-id
, that lets developers specify which components to run from a Spin application, and it features deeper integration with WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) standards Spin 3.0, bringing support for the WASI Key-Value and WASI Config APIs. This support is a step toward bringing into Spin WASI cloud core, a WASI proposal for standardizing a set of APIs that applications can use to interact with a common set of cloud services.
Spin 3.0 also introduces support for OpenTelemetry (OTel) observability in Spin applications, enabling Spin application observability with popular tools such as Grafana, Jaegar, and Prometheus.
Finally, the release also features a major refactor of Spin internals with a feature called Spin Factors, where a “factor” encapsulates a host functionality feature. Spin Factors allow the Spin runtime to be more modular, Fermyon said.