CXO Insider: City of Memphis CIO explains how they fast tracked their digital transformation plans
From facilitating remote work for thousands of employees to moving laptops around the city for students, tech leaders with the city of Memphis were forced to fast track smart city projects in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. TechRepublic speaks with Kimberly Bailey, CIO with the City of Memphis, about how city agencies accelerated their digital […]
Read MoreHello 5G for business
At StarHub, we believe in inspiring digital innovation and transforming the future for customers. To move beyond the hype and enable real opportunities as well as new experiences and capabilities to make a positive impact. We know the power of 5G to change any steady-state. The way we work, play, consume content, create, and innovate […]
Read More5 successful smart city projects (free PDF)
Smart cities have been promised for years. The rise of more powerful mobile devices, sensors, and the promise of 5G connectivity means we may be getting closer to realizing the benefits of a smart city. From vehicle-to-infrastructure projects, which have the potential to make sidewalks and streets safer, to harnessing the cloud, and IoT-enabled smart […]
Read MoreInternet of Things (IoT) cheat sheet
The Internet of Things, also known as IoT, refers to the billions of interconnected devices, machines and sensors that collect and exchange data via an internet connection. The resulting data is known collectively as “big data.” Currently, IoT is taking every industry by storm. Whether it’s a sensor delivering data about the performance of a […]
Read MoreExpert: 5G connectivity has sped up since the pandemic began
Professor also says teaching students at home has opened up a new way of teaching.source
Read MoreIBM MaaS360 Factsheet
Enable and secure your mobile workforce with the power of AI. This Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solution transforms the way that organizations support users, apps, content and data across every type of device. Its open, cloud-based platform integrates with security and productivity tools, allowing modern business leaders to derive immediate value. Subscribe to the Innovation […]
Read MoreBuild smarter cities with Oracle
Hyperconnectivity is the future of smart cities, but achieving it isn’t an overnight change. The technological transformation challenge facing city leaders is not just keeping up with heightened demands and soaring expectations – it’s knowing where to go next. This eBook covers the technologies and approaches that can unlock greater ROI and improve services across […]
Read More5G will bring smart cities to life in unexpected ways
Subscribe to the Innovation Insider Newsletter Catch up on the latest tech innovations that are changing the world, including IoT, 5G, the latest about phones, security, smart cities, AI, robotics, and more. Delivered Tuesdays and Fridays Email Address By signing up to receive our newsletter, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. […]
Read MoreNew Challenges of Payment Systems, Facing Technological and Legal Developments (French)
The global success of connected commerce has turned the tables on consumption in both B2C and B2B. In France, the 100 billion euro mark in e-commerce sales is expected to be reached, or even exceeded, in 2019, according to FEVAD. There is no longer a company that does not seek today to sell or contract […]
Read MoreFuture of 5G: Projections, rollouts, use cases, and more (free PDF)
Whether users realize it or not, 5G will change their lives with its promise of low latency and high bandwidth. The number of active 5G connections around the world hit 63.6 million as of the first quarter of 2020, a jump of 308% from the last quarter of 2019, according to data from research firm […]
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