If you’re a software developer right now, it is nearly impossible to avoid chatter about generative AI. You’re probably already using AI tools in your work, whether you like it or not. Some of your normie friends are using ChatGPT as a search engine, with hilarious and alarming results. Your CEO may be asking you to squeeze chatbot capabilities into products and use cases where they just don’t make sense—and dreaming of the day when it’s possible to replace you and other coders with AI agents.
Welcome to the new monthly genAI roundup for developers and other tech professionals. We’re here to help you navigate the rapidly shifting and weird landscape of generative AI.
Top picks for generative AI readers on InfoWorld
Demand for AI skills soars while demand for programming skills falls
The annual tech trends report from O’Reilly spills the beans on what tech readers are searching for, and what they’re not. Meanwhile, developers are saying building generative AI applications is too hard, especially with the immature tooling they have to work with.